Student Health

Student Health


As the weather is cooler, please have your child dress appropriately for the weather.  They will need stocking hats, gloves, boots and a warm coat as recess is generally held outside unless it is bitterly cold.  All lower elementary children should have a complete set of clothing in their locker.  

A reminder that students should not be at school if they have been up at night with cough, fever, vomiting, or diarrhea.  Please make sure that we have your current contact information as well.

When informing us of your child's absence, please let us know what symptoms or diagnosis they have.  This allows us to track illnesses.  


7TH GRADERS will be required to have BOTH a TdaP booster and a Meningococcal vaccine BEFORE  BEGINNING THE SCHOOL YEAR.

12TH GRADERS will also be required to have a Menengiococcal vaccine BEFORE BEGINNING THE SCHOOL YEAR.  (2 doses if born after September 15, 1999 OR 1 dose if received when applicant was 16 years of age or older)

Once these boosters are completed, please get a new IMMUNIZATION CERTIFICATE from your doctor's office and turn into the office at the beginning of the school year.  

If you have any questions, please contact the Nurse at 319-647-2161 ext 109. 

Athletic Info

Attention Athletes- A physical is required before the start of any practice of sports or cheerleading you will be participating in. Please get these scheduled early in the summer as many doctor's offices fill quickly. Please check your immunization status at this time as well. The physical form can be found below or can also be picked up in the office. Please contact Carol for the status of your child's sports physical or concussion form.  Physicals are good for 1 year + 30 days and concussion forms are good for 1 year.  

physical form updated 

   Concussion Form



Kindergarten Students

You also will need a physical before coming in the fall, as well as updating any immunizations. We will need a copy of your immunization record for our files. In the upcoming year Kindergarten students will also need a dental screening and a lead test. A vision exam is also encouraged prior to beginning the school year. All forms were included in your Kindergarten packet and may be returned to the office.  

PRESCHOOLERS will also need a very brief physical and we will need a copy of your immunization record. Check with your physician to see that these are current. 



Those requiring regular medications while at school will need a medication sheet signed by a physician before required before meds can be given. 

507.2E2  Parental authorization and release form for the administration of medication or special health services to students updated 8-9-23 

507.2E3 Parental Authorization Policy for Self Carry  updated Aug 2023 

Hearing Screening

The Lions Club from Victor generally comes and screens the preschool students.  

Vision Screening

