JH Wrestling

2024 JUNIOR HIGH GIRLS WRESTLING- Coach Nate Van Buren  Members-Meridith Henstorf, Jazmine Larimer, Alivia Bazyn, Bryndal Jack and Kodie Holcomb  Mgr Erilea Kupka

2023 JUNIOR HIGH  BOYS WRESTLING- Kaden Baetsle, Lance Milton, Tristan Pirkl, Cohen Roberts, Jax Smith, Acen Buland    Managers-Meridith Henstorf and Bryndal Jack       Coach Beau Jack

2022 Junior High Wrestling- Coach Beau Jack  Team-front row Garett Read, Cael Weisskopf, Kollin Menicucci, Jayce Stevens, Bryer Jack, Allen Scott  Back-Coach Jack, Tristan Pirkl, Ty Thompson, Meredith Henstorf, Kaden Baetsle

2021 Junior High Wrestling- front row L to R-Garett Read-mgr, Kollin Menicucci, Jayce Stevens, Bryer Jack, Allan Scott, Hayden Shafer  back-Cory Levine, Colton Butler, Derek Willett, Raelene Hawkins, Cael Weisskopf  Coach Beau Jack, not pictured Coach Sion Fontinel.

​2020 JUNIOR HIGH WRESTLING- left to right- Derek Willett, Colton Butler, Raelene Hawkins, Hunter Bazyn, AJ Stevens, Coach Beau Jack, not pictured Coach Sion Fontinel. 

2019 JUNIOR HIGH          Coaches   Beau Jack and  Sion Fontinel

Squad- Ethan Licht, Dalton Lynn, Peyton Roth, Nolan Pirkl, Hunter Bazyn, AJ Stevens, Max Henstorf, Brody Sternhagen, Cole Fontinel, Boston York, Tyler Ballard, Julian Martinez, Caleb Otte 

2019 JH Wrestling-  Ethan Licht, Dalton Lynn, Peyton Roth, Nolan Pirkl, Hunter Bazyn, AJ Stevens, Max Henstorf, Brody Sternhagen, Cole Fontinel, Boston York, Tyler Ballard, Julian Martinez, Caleb Otte Coaches Beau Jack and Sion Fontinel

2018 JH Wrestling- Jack Cheney, Cole Fontinel, Max Henstorf, Tyler Ballard, Dalton Lynn

2017 JH Wrestling-   Jack Cheney, Steven Leonard, Dylan Schafbuch, Blake Stevens, Beau York

2016 JH Wrestling  Blake Stevens, Bobby Scoville, Donavin Kruse, Sully Smith, Beau York, Garrett Westerdale, Marcus Kolesar, and Tyson Robertson.   Managers-Kayla York and Rylie Timm   Coaches Sion Fontinel, Beau Jack, Dusty Van Nevel

2015 JH Wrestling-Kody Timm, Bobby Scoville, Marcus Kolesar, Carson Cheney, Reed Ward, Hunter Lynn, Caden Fontinel,  Mgr-Meredith Schnebbe  Coaches-Dustin Van Nevel, Beau Jack, Sion Fontinel

2014 JH Wrestling-Cody Frahm, Caden Fontinel, Kody Timm, Reed Ward  Coaches Beau Jack, Dusty Van Nevel, Sion Fontinel

2013-2014 JH Wrestling-Brandon Davis, Laran Kaplan, Cody Frahm, Brandon Schafbuch, Owen Van Waus, Brendan Wood, Derek Greene  Coaches Dusty Van Nevel, Beau Jack, Bruce Jack

2012-2013-Dakota Huber, Michael Davis, Brandon Schafbuch, Laran Kaplan, Kyler Klesner, Kenny Driegel, Coaches Beau Jack and Dustin Van Nevel

2011-2012 JH-Coaches Joe Verdeck, Dusty Van Nevel, Beau Jack   Ed Henning, Aaron Border, Nate Van Buren, Wes Simpson, Dalton Kriegel, Camiel Blomme, Wade Van Otegham, Kyler Klesner, Dadota Newton, Kenny Kriegel  Mgr Ashly Varo

2011 JH Wrestling-Brock Hall, Dakota Newton, Mitchell Heyveld, Nate Van Buren, Ed Henning, Jacob Exline, Aaron Border, Dalton Kriegel, Coaches Beau Jack and Dustin Van Nevel