Misc Info
2024-2025 LUNCH PRICES
Lunch K-5 $3.25 6-12 $3.30 Adult $4.85
Reduced Price Breakfast $.30 Reduced Price Lunch $.40
Breakfast K-12 $2.30 Adult $3.00
Milk/Juice $.45
FREE AND REDUCED LUNCH APPLICATIONS-Please contact Amber Pierce for this application. Forms will be mailed out in July or can be obtained from Amber Pierce. This form MAY NOT be filled out and submitted online.
Green USDA poster-Justice For All
Non-Discrimination Statement
PURCHASING EXTRA FOOD ITEMS- 2nd and 3rd graders may purchase extra fruit, vegetables and milk at lunch and 4-5 students may purchase any of the extra food items. 6-12 students may also purchase any extra items. At breakfast, all students have the opportunity to purchase extra items. If you do not wish your child to be able to purchase extra items, please send Amber Pierce a note, an email (apierce@hlv.k12.ia.us), or phone her.
YEAR END LUNCH INFO- A reminder that all negative lunch balances need to be taken care of by the last day of school. Any money remaining in your account will remain for the start of the next school year.
SUMMER LUNCH PROGRAM- HLV does not participate in this but several area schools do participate in this. Free lunch is served over the summer. This is not an income based program and is free to all children no matter where you go to school. For a complete lists of all participating schools, go to https://www.educateiowa.gov/pk-12/nutrition-programs-0.
The National Hunger Hotline is 1-866-3-hungry.